Monday, October 21, 2024

Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences

Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences by Jon Elster

How do people act and why do they act that way? This is at the core of social science, and not something easy to answer. People may say they would behave one way, but behave differently. They may also change their behavior based on how other people act. Each person may have different desires. (though some researchers attempt to say that everyone has the same desires, but different abilities to achieve them.) 

Thing get more complex with groups. There are many cases where the collective and individual good are not in sync. Society would be better if everyone rode the bus, but an individual would be better if they drove. Benefit also changes as new people participate. The first driver has a significant speed advantage. The last driver adds to already bad congestion. On the other hand, the first social media participant can't really do anything. Those that join later get more benefit. 

Other key concepts discussed in the book include rational choice, reinforcement, emotions, equilibrium, and many more. It is a short, concise introduction to the nuts and bolts of social science. 

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