Sunday, June 23, 2024

Fluke: Chance, Chaos, and Why Everything We Do Matters

Fluke: Chance, Chaos, and Why Everything We Do Matters by Brian Klaas

A lot of things that happen in life are due to flukes. We just happen to read something that launches a keen interest. We run into someone who becomes a keen friend. The choice to do some small thing often has significant impacts in our life. While we often focus on the "big" decisions, the little ones can be just as impactful. Similarly, looking at people that have succeeded can often lead us down useless rabbit holes. The success may have been more impacted by flukes than any innate traits or actions.

The book also delves into many related topics. Scientific research often leads to people finding "explanations" that are merely flukes. P-hacking and shelving of non-interesting research helps exacerbate this. Determinism vs. Libertarian Free Will are also discussed. I'm not sure if this part was really relevant. If the universe is fully determined based on the initial action, does that matter for our individual choices of actions?

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