Saturday, February 20, 2021

Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment

Politics today tend to focus on identity, often at the expense of issues. Countries are put together with people that share a common identity. Political parties group people with different identities and attempt to meet the needs of these identities. People get involved with these identities. These identities can include country of origin, race, language, religion, sexuality or any other "group" that can be used. This culture of identity has superseded that of class.

Poor white people have "lost out" on the quest for identity. Blacks, immigrants, Hispanics, Native Americans and other groups have their associated identity. They can seek to advocate for their historical religion and culture. They also advocate for social justice and favored position. Whites are viewed as the "dominate" culture. They are not permitted by society to advocate for their culture. Their culture is viewed as imperialistic. Even advocating their positions is viewed as racist. While people would be shunned for using slurs for other groups, using slurs for poor whites is encouraged. The "elite" whites are primarily in control of culture and institution. They are the ones that also encourage the political correct views that shun "white" culture. The poor whites have been turned into persona non-grata. They are viewed as controlling imperialists, even though they have no power. Their culture, religion and institutions are mocked. They seek somebody to represent them. This is the situation that enabled Trump and Brexit. Trump finally spoke freely in a why that made these people feel they had an advocate.

The domination of "Identity" could eventually lead to the downfall of our multicultural society. Could this be the way in which a "unified" China easily dominates the United States?

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