Little, Big is a long fantasy novel. I don't do good with long fantasy. Why did I read it? It did come highly recommended. The story centers on people that live in Edgewood. They are a little bit "odd". At first this just seems the tale of some different people. However, gradually more fantastical elements pop up. There are bits about fairies. Somebody also makes a seemingly normal journey to the city. He is a fish out of water that eventually adapts to city life. It seems normal at first, but then also becomes fantastical. He ends up writing for a popular soap opera after the world fades. There is a war with Charlemagne as president. The odd people can help to make the world back to a better place. I think the problem I have with the fantasy is that the "real" people interactions don't feel real enough. When the fantastical is added, it makes it even more out of the realm of normal. If I didn't care before, I care even less now. And why do all fantasy works seem to involve an imminent end of the world that only a few people can help prevent? This novel does actually take place mostly in our world, so that is a plus. Though the soap opera as real life does seem a little trite.
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