Sunday, July 21, 2024

Why Trust Science?

 Why Trust Science? by Naomi Oreskes

Why do we trust science today? What makes science of today different from folklores of the past or religion? The author presents some points, and then responds to critical objections. After completing the book, I was left with more concerns than answered questions. In the end, despite all the rationality and process involved, you must have faith in science to be able to trust it. The author contends that science tends to correct errors through peer review and the scientific method. However, this process can be slow. Some of the "corrections" may be errors in themselves. The person proposing a theory can have significant influence on the acceptance of the theory. There is a tendency to focus on the new, leaving few scientific resources to validation of previous research. Science can even be seen as a modern religion. One must have faith in the method and core postulates. The scientists are the "priests" that dispense knowledge of how the world functions to the general public. Much of today's science will be considered wrong in the future. Is it worth trusting?

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