Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Fatty Fatty Boom Boom: A Memoir of Food, Fat, and Family

Are some people just destined to be fat? The author was born in Pakistan and her family moved to the United States when she was young. Due to some misunderstood advice she was fed half and half and later sticks of butter as a young child. She also adapted to an American fast food and junk food diet in the United States. When her family had first returned to visit Pakistan she was already a very overweight child. In school, she was the heaviest kid in her grade. As a teen she tried some exercise, but nothing really stuck. The all you can eat dining hall really did her in when she got to college. Eventually she had gastric sleeve surgery. It didn't help very much. She finally combined that with a personal trainer and was able to get weight off. 

In addition to her story of weight, she talks about her life in general. She grew up with a family of Pakistani immigrants. There were the challenges of life in one community that is very foreign to the dominant culture. Career choices and marriage were not necessarily in line with parental desires. She married young, then remarried (and had more children) when older. Pregnancies didn't help her body esteam, nor did life in the public eye. She was willing to work to help exonerate somebody wrongfully accused of murder - even if she would have to view herself on TV. 

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