Monday, May 24, 2021

Anytime, Anywhere

Anytime, Anywhere contains a series of vignettes from John Groberg's service as a church leader. This involved him traveling at anytime, anywhere. This book is the "sequel" to the Other Side of Heaven books and greatly expands the geographical scope. The stories take place all over the world, from Mongolia to Hong Kong to Tonga, Latin America and even the southwestern United States. The focus is on the insights and spiritual experiences that occur, rather than the events themselves. In some cases, it is a seemingly minor occurrence that leads to a great insight. In other times, seemingly large traumatic events become blessings in disguise. The stories are often short and isolated. I was often left wondering what happened later down the road.

There were a few sections that did flip the script. There were many stories of Tongans that reached out to him to tell their stories. He often had only a small recollection of what to them were very life changing events. It is interesting that the long term impact can often be very different from the short term perception.

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