Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wild Robot

A cargo ship loses some of its cargo in a big storm. This cargo includes a few advanced robots. Most of them are destroyed. However, one makes it to the island unharmed. It is inadvertently turned on by some animals. The robot then becomes part of the animal culture. It learns how to speak the language of the various animals. Soon it becomes friends with the other animals and one of the most respected beings on the island. It also finds an orphaned gosling and becomes an adoptive mother. The robot has many adventures on the island. The now grown up goose eventually joins the migration where it sees humans, other robots and guns. This comes in handy when other robots come to take the wild robot back. The animals manage to get together and defeat the other robots, leaving the wild robot with some tough decisions.

This book is targeted at children/ middle grade readers. It is set in a near futuristic society. However, there are plenty of ecological and sociological themes. By keeping an open mind, the robot is able to adapt to the situation and live in peace with the animals. The animals still maintain their natural predator/prey behaviors. However, the robot does enforce occasional truces in times of need. There is also the case of a fish who is "stuck" in the dammed up portion of the river. He is mean to the beavers. However, it turns out he just wanted to go home. The robot helps to create peace by helping the fish get back to its family.

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