Saturday, October 17, 2020

Supernova: Renegades Series, Book 3

In the third Renegades book, everything goes crazy. Nightmare's secret identity is found out. Then through subterfuge it is not. Then it is found out again. Allies keep shifting. The consequences keep getting bigger. Characters that seemed fairly balanced suddenly get really bad - and then they are killed. At all reaches a grand climax where all superpower disappear only to reappear dispersed through society. We also find out about a number of different relationships. People are their own worst enemies. People that were thought dead are actually not and are living right under each other's eyes. There is a tight interrelated connection between various characters.
It all feels like a mash up. The superhero concept is a lot like Brendan Sanderson's Reckoners series. The "one person can save the world" ending seems straight from any summer blockbuster. The underlying love story also seems familiar. Boy and girl have secrets. They secretly hate each other, yet are in love with each other. Sounds like a "You've Got Mail" double identity plot. The most originality is in the super powers. There are a lot of heroes and villains that  appear with a plethora of super powers. Alas, it feels like we have a couple of complex three-dimensional leads with a number of flat supporting characters. (The character of Honey was especially bizarre. Suddenly she turned really mean - only to be killed off.) The book is very neatly wrapped up at the end, yet keeps plenty of threads open for future extensions.

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