Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Hand on the Wall: Truly Devious, Book 3

The third book in the Truly Devious series finally wraps everything up. The author continues to unfold in between the quest to solve the "new murders." While it sometimes feels you are getting the "answers" too soon, it actually just whets your appetite. You know things that went on in the past before the current characters figure them out. However, there are other parts of the current case that are not tied together yet. This works really well. And of course, being a teen novel, there is plenty of conflicting romance that always seems to get in the way. The ending is both surprising and unexpected, yet very satisfying. The primary characters are complex. Alas, the secondary characters can be flat stereotypes (especially the "evil politician" and "artist"). There are also a few events that just happen to occur at the proper time. Sure it is a mystery, but having luck not play such a role would be nice. Do people really have to show up at just the right time over and over again? Luckily, these are minor faults that don't distract too much from the book.

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