Liesel Meminger is a "book thief". She lives as a foster girl n Nazi Germany at the outbreak of World War 2. She remembers "communist" being spoken at her parents home. She lives with poor faster parents. She picks up a grave diggers instruction book at a funeral. She later steals a book from a Nazi bonfire. She loves to read, but her poor foster family can barely make out a meager existence. The father has painted Jewish houses. (He had served with a Jew in World War I). He has trouble getting membership in the Nazi party. The mother washes clothes, but sees that business gradually dry up. The girl spends time with her friend, a fast runner, who wants to be a Jesse Owens. They end up resorting to stealing food from farms and other areas.
They live through the rise of Hitler and World War II. The family hides a Jewish friend. The son of her foster-parents is an avid Nazi, who falls in Russia. Father eventually gets his Nazi party membership, along with a draft notice into the army. Through some luck he ends up coming home. They all suffer when the city is bombed.
The book provides a child's perspective growing up in Nazi Germany. There are many "bad" things going on. However, when that is all you know, it is hard to get too upset. She comes to the realization that Hitler has caused bad things to her birth family. However, she is resigned to know there is nothing she can do. She also sees the bad experience of the Jew hiding in her basement. She is friendly with him and realizes his poor condition, yet does not seem obsessed with it. She is living her life. Stealing a book from the mayor's wife is a more significant action in her life than the events of World War II. Hitler was simply a leader that everyone had to follow.
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