The Tour de Flex submission instructions mention that a color HTML source document can be easily generated from the view source feature of Flexbuilder. That sounded like a cool feature, so I hunted in the Source menu and couldn't find anything that looked like it would generate a color HTML source. I tried right clicking, going to various menus all to no avail.
Finally after some googling, I uncovered a blog with instructions on how to do it. The source files are actually generated by clicking the "Enable view source" checkbox on the File-Export-Release Build menu. This will enable the source files to be produced. The warning message mentions that do to IE security the files will probably not work properly when accessed via localhost. I never tried IE, but did have trouble with the view source from Firefox. However, when I ran them from a server, all worked well.
From the localhost, I was able to view the color HTML source files directly by going directly to the files. On my installations, they are in ~/Documents/Flex Builder 3/project name/bin-release/srcview/src.
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