Monday, April 08, 2019

Death Comes for the Archbishop

Death Comes to the Archbishop details the life of a French priest who is assigned "missionary duty" in the American Southwest. The territory is newly annexed by the United States, but still has a large "Indian" and Mexican population. The priest eventually becomes the archbishop over the region. He is tasked with overseeing many local Catholic priests who have taken advantage of the remoteness of the territory. There also many people that need help in different ways. Near the end, he is even tasked with bringing in mining prospectors into his fold. He has a companion for many years that also helps him out. He interacts with many scoundrels and well meaning people. There are a few protestants in the area, as well as some natives that have become marginally Christian, while still maintaining a lot of their old ways. He also befriends Kit Carson. In the process, he gains a greater appreciation for the new world, and eventually decides that will be his final place of retirement. The book itself is easily accessible and provides a good view into early America. There are a mix of people that are actively trying to do good and those that are merely trying to enrich themselves. Everyone has their flaws. Even the good actions may at times result in less than ideal outcomes. However, those that can keep their baseline values strong while adapting and adjusting to the circumstances can have a positive impact.

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