Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church

The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church by Jana Riess

This book analyzes people that had identified as Mormons or former Mormons. The author initially performed a large survey and then performed in-person interviews with select participants. The participants were divided into generational cohorts and also analyzed by basic demographic standards. General religious and cultural questions were asked (and compared with other stories.) There were also various analysis of Mormon-specific characteristics (such as temple garments, Word of Wisdom, missions, etc.)

The general results seem to show that Mormons do tend to represent their generation. The church leaders are from older generations and the church policies tend to be closer to those. The younger generations of church members tend to be leaving religion as do others of younger generations. Later teens/ early 20s seem to be the primary area when they leave. There is also a variation in the interpretation of various church policies and doctrines. It is also interesting that the strong centralized conservatism of the church is somewhat recent. Older members remember a time when there was more individual control and differentiation. It is also interesting that sexual and gender identity do play a role in many people disaffiliation. Yet, there are those that still remain in spite of being "outside the norm". Young people as a whole tend to be less binary than older people.

What will the future hold? Perhaps most of interest is areas where there is more divergence between former and current members. Women that leave skew much more strongly towards wanting female priesthood than those that stay. Those that leave are also more politically liberal. Will the church become a strong narrow enclave or a large diverse group? The book does focus on America. I wonder what the difference would be looking worldwide?

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