Friday, September 09, 2022

This Woven Kingdom

The Jinn have greater strengths than humans. Humanity made "peace" with the Jinn which eventually lead to the Jinn being oppressed. The book focuses on a Jinn girl who is destined to be a leader. She is highly educated and well trained in physical defense and dressmaking. However, she is currently living on the streets and happy to get a job as the lowest of servant girls. 

The crown prince of a kingdom likes to be out at war. The kingdom is struggling to secure a stable water supply. Another kingdom sits in the path that could provide it, yet they are regularly at odds. This crown prince comes home because his grandfather is near death and he is next in line to be king.

While walking outside, the girl is jumped by a street urchin. She is able to easily defeat him, but offers him bread at her currently place of employment. The boy attempts to commit suicide when he is confronted about his crime. The prince sees this. He thinks the girl is a spy and carries the boy to treat him and help find the supposed spy. This ends up endearing him to the common people, but causing the nobles to question his sanity.

The current King wants his son to choose a spouse from the nobility so that he can produce an heir. It seems obvious that the future king and future Jinn leader will eventually get together. However, they seem a million miles apart. There is plenty of action and a bit of fantasy and romance as the events unfold.

There are plenty of conflicts as the story unfold. There seems to be a fairy tale ending, but there are plenty of twists and surprises. It is never good to make a deal with the devil.

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