Sunday, April 24, 2022

Move: The Forces Uprooting Us

People move. Most moves tend to be closer to home. Though people do move great distances when needed. Movement often benefits all parties involved. However, government policies often get in the way of beneficial movement. Some places have high labor demand and a shortage of workers. Other places have many workers and not enough work. There are places undergoing environmental challenges out of their control. Some locations have self-inflicted government and economic challenges. 

In the future there will continue to be new challenges as the climate changes. There are parts of the world that may be inundated by rising seas. Other places will see increases in arable land due to global warming. Many western countries already have birth rates below replacement level and need immigrants to satisfy labor demands.

In addition to detailing the general concepts, Move provides many detailed examples of parts of the world that are experiencing movement stresses. Also detailed are locations that are not doing well, yet are starting to turn around. There are also many "black swan" events that could cause prospects to change in the future.

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