Stephen R. Covey rose to fame with his Seven Habits book used for self growth and organizational improvement. Six events brings that experience in to the spiritual dimension. Covery fills the book with anecdotes, many based on his experience serving as a Mission President in Ireland. The target audience is members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that want to improve their life and faith in the gospel.
The six events are connected an adverb and a restoration event:
1. Who? The First Vision. Who am I? Who is Christ? How do you feel loved
2. Whose? The Restoration of the Gospel
3. How? The Restoration of the Priesthood
4. Where? Restoration of the Church
5. What? Restoration of the Keys of Salvation
6. Why? The restoration of Temple Ordinances
They are tied together with "When?", an event of personal restoration. (In this he stresses the importance of doing things in order. Just having somebody jump to going to church without a faith in Christ will not lead to a lasting commitment.)
The book straddles the "self-help" and the "religious apologetics" domains. It feels a little bit dated. However, the core message is still works. You must slowly build up a deep faith to have the best personal and religious experience. Bold transformative experiences are nice, but not necessarily lasting. True transformation takes work.
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