Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th edition

Cracking the Coding Interview is an interview preparation book that emphasizes coding. It provides some general interview background, then dives deep into programming questions. The questions are organized by category and provide details answers. There is almost enough information there, to eliminate the need to go back to the old algorithms book.
The bulk of the book is the "question" section, with answers. They were divided into a number of different categories, with "C++", "Java" and "Hard problems" towards the end.
The questions seem to vary significantly. Some are nearly trivial, while others have multiple pages of code to answer. (This could be much more extreme than you are expected to find in an interview.) I found myself rushing through some sections as the answers just got to be too far "out there." They also seem to be somewhat dated. Map Reduce is treated as a cutting-edge solution rather than common implementation. There is also a ton of boilerplate (in Java) for many of the questions. It would be nice to explore different languages. Sometimes, the super complex java solution could be much more easily done with a different programming language.

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