The Colossus Rises is the first book in a Seven Wonders Series. The series focuses on a group of kids with a unique genetic mutation. It gives them "super powers". However, it also causes health issues - including death at a young age. An "institute" comes trhough medical records to find those with the condition - often identified by a mark on the head. They usually intervene in the hospital after a kid has a serious medical condition and help cure him - and take him away.
The kids discover that their talents are amplified to "super" strength. They also try to escape multiple times and are put on a quest for Ancient Greek artifacts. They use codes to help communicate secretly. (Alas, they have been implanted with trackers, making it all for naught.) In the process, they run into various monsters and also "magic" such as healing water.
The book ends with one "quest" completed, but many more questions remain. Clearly, this is the start of series.
I found the book to be ok. The gimmicks (such as code and backward talking) got annoying. I did not find myself very attached to the characters or interested in the plot and don't have a desire to continue the series.
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