Monday, April 05, 2010


The author likes candy. He really likes candy. He grew up in Palo Alto. (I recognize the streets, but the stores are long gone.) His tastes are somewhat different than mine. (Coconut is one of my favorite candy items - he is revulsed by it.) However, that does not seem to matter.
Most of the book is spent chronicling visits to small independent candy factories. (The big ones wouldn't let him in.) He explores the source of a number of regional hits, such as Valomilk, Twin Bing, Idaho Spud, Big Hunk, Goo Goo Clusters.

He can't help but feel conflicted in his obsession with candy. After all, it is an indulgence that relies on third world labor to get the raw ingredients. However, he admits to being a freak and just enjoying the candy. And one of the underlying themes is the "creative candy artisan" vs. the corporate behemoth. What good liberal couldn't go for that.

If only the book came with a package of all the regional candies described.

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