Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Landis - victim of firing squad?

Stumbled across this article on Landis from an Alaskan columnist.

One of the rare ones that actually looks in to the details of the Floyd Landis Tour de France episode:
"Landis' epitestosterone-to-testosterone ratio was above the arbitrary standard set by the cycling federation and the ratio of Carbon-12 (6 protons/6 neutrons) to Carbon-13 (6 protons/7 neutrons) atoms in his urine sample indicated he might have used plant-derived testosterone, versus the animal derivative produced by the human body."
Out of the many articles I've read, that is one of the rare one that actually looks at a few details of the test.
One other factor that seems to be missing from the press reports is "What Advantage did he obtain from it?" From the limited information available, it appears that a slightly elevated level would only be beneficial over a long time - and his test did not show anything in the tests before or after. So, in theory any elevation did not provide him a benefit, thus providing no harm to the sport. And since it was so short lived, it would not have provided any harm to him. Thus, since it provided no advantage and no harm, why is it problematic?
Also, the test for 'synthetics' is only administered if the ratio is above the "4:1" limit. Thus there is limited control. Would it have shown synthetic even when the ratio is low? And this test was just for ratios. How did the actual amounts compare to a previous test? Was one suddenly much lower? Or was there a difference in how substances were metabolized?
It seems amazing how the media is quick to send somebody to the executioner based on miniscule evidence or proof of wrong doing. (But should we expected any different after the initial disqualifications at the start of the race.)
Seems like a good reason to keep using my bike for transport rather than sport.

1 comment:

  1. Support Floyd Landis!
    New government intelligence reports shows France's complicity with the Al-Qaida terrorists who framed Floyd Landis in order to embarrass America.

    Read about the terrorist plot to frame landis here: http://richardquick.blogspot.com/2006/08/tour-de-america-tribute-to-patriot.html

    I implore you all to show your support for American hero Floyd Landis by holding up signs everywhere you go. Any of the following are acceptable: "Bomb France!" "Landis was Framed!" "Al-Qaida Framed Landis!" "Tour de America 2007!" "Seize the Tour de Farce!" or "Osama Don't Bike!"

    The Yellow-Flag Decals for your SUVs will be available shortly. Check my website for availability and bulk order instructions: Get Rich Quick! http://richardquick.blogspot.com


